Obstuctive Sleep Apnoea-Hypopnoea Syndrome
Normally hor.. when we are asleep, the muscles in our body relax la.. but our airway (the pipe that connects to our lungs) stays open allowing to breathe normally. However, for some people, the airway doesn't stay open (Aiyor.. sei lor.. die la..) - often this is because there is pressure from fat around the neck - which stops them from breathing (apnoea) or, if their breathing is only partly blocked, the airflow is reduced (hypopneoa). This interruption of a person's breathing will cause them to wake up repeatedly through the night gasping for air. The most common sign of obstructive sleep apnoea or hypopnoea is loud, irregular snoring - the sound made as air passes through the narrowed throat and windpipe (the airway). Apart from there are also long pauses when the person doesn't seem to be breathing at all.. (oh no.. sudah mati kah?)N.B. the person him/herself would not recognize these (snoring + long pauses without breathing). So most of the time, girlfren la or boyfren la... husband or wife will give details regarding this.. e.g. "aiyor.. my husband hor.. snore like a pig la.. beh tahan.... sometimes hor.. he stops breathing... I think he mati liao..."If a person suffers from problems such as daytime sleepiness, poor concentratyion and mood changes as a result of their sleep being disturbed by obstructive sleep apnoea or hypopnoea, then this is called obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS).OSAHS is pretty common; although it occurs more frequently in middle-aged ('Fei Lou') men, although it can occur in all ages including children and in both sexes.Dun play play wei..OSAHS is 'dangerous'... Snoring itself is not dangerous la.. but it can cause problems between sleeping partners... Frequent sleep apnoeas or hypopnoeas mean the boy repeatedly doesn't get enough oxygen... this can lead to higher blood pressure and heart problems. Anyone who suffers from uncontrolled excessive daytime sleepiness or lack of sleep may be at risk through falling asleep in dangerous situations, such as when driving, operating machinery or during lectures (with a fierce and ferocious lecturer).... Hmm.. So how ah? apa macam... Change your sleep position lor.. sleeping on your side may make it less likely that the airway will close. Losing weight will help if extra flesh around your face and neck are causing or worsening your obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea. Taking medicines to clear congestion in the airway?Using continous positive airway pressure (CPAP)... a mask is placed over the nose forcing air into the airway through the nostrils (lubang hidung) and keeping the airway open... Using a mandibular splint? this is a device placed inside the mouth to keep the jaw in a position to maintain an open airway during sleep. SURGERY!!! in some patients... surgery can help for instance by widening or repositioning the tissues in the mouth-to-throat section of the airway or by repositioning the jaw.. *Ouch!* This is only used as a last resort la.. dun really wanna copy+paste+cut+stitch someone's face... unless there are no other better alternatives in solving the problem...
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