Thursday, November 30, 2006

November in a Nutshell
Time flies..
Seconds.. minutes.. hours... days...... weeks.. and months fly by just like that!

November... a power-packed month for me...
Did soooo many things!!!!

Was in Dublin for an afternoon on the 17th...
Went to New Lanark on the 18th...
Played in the Scottish Universities Table Tennis Championships in Herriott Watt University, Edinburgh on the 19th...

Last weekend was just as busy... hmmm..
Oh yea.. went to watch the Bank of Scotland - International Badminton Championships last weekend.. It was alright.. but not as good compared to the two previous ones... Looking forward to Sudirman Cup - World Team Badminton Championships (10-17June 2007) ... it's all happening in Glasgow!!!!!!

Attended a lot of symposiums/conferences as well this month..
Neurology, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics....
Really good..

And last but not least.. I am having a wicked time doing paediatrics at Yorkhill.. the teaching is excellent.. people are nice.. patients are cute..
How can you say a kid is not cute? except my flatmate Yao Pey (weird guy... just as 'weird' as me! perhaps weirder..) who says that neonates look scary!

What else? Oh yea... We (my table tennis team) are doing very well in the West of Scotland Table Tennis league!!!! I've got my very FIRST treble... 3 in a row!!!! never done it before.. due to my fickle form..
sometimes 'hot' --> smashing form, sometimes 'cold' --> play crap.... commiting a string of unforced errors.. in short.. commiting 'suicide' in table tennis.. kamikaze..... eeeeeek... urrrghhh... splat... falls flat on to the ground... :P

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