Sunday, November 12, 2006

Job Application: Personal Statement

Writing the personal statement is a mammoth (Big, heavy, furry and vague) of a task!
Initially.. starting the 'old rusty engine' is so slow that I was wondering what I'm doing staring at the questions in the key statements bit... In a dazeeeee... for a few dayzzzzz.....

Then.. yesterday.. A brilliant bright spark ignited my 'engine'....
Tried like crazy to squeeze all the 'creative' (might not be a politically accurate term.. coz since coming into medical school.. my creativity has dropped to a very very scanty level... the area of the brain responsible for creativity is in a moribund/dilapidated state!!! this is due to the fact that creativity is not part of any of the subjects or exams... HORRIBLE MEDICAL SCHOOL!!!! ) juices to answer the weird questions... brain cells stretched to the limit...

After the single bright spark.. There was a diarrhoea of words.. couldn't stop writing.. too lengthy for some answers.. well over the word limit of 150 words per question....

Was awake till 6.30am to finish up the first rough draft of my key statements... EUREKA!!!!!
Everything is still quite messy... But at least I can proudly say that "THE IDEA WAS THERE!!!!" Hahahaha.... Need a lot more editing/refining to do...

Some answers are a bit 'out' as well... need to recheck and redo the whole thing I guess..

Fingers crossed.. everything will be okay.. and I will go to work next year! :)

Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

okok...good luck pete

Anonymous said...

Hello! I've emailed you back re: your statments. I think you have done a good job.

Peter said...

Thanks so much!

I'll treat all of you when I start working :)
