Wednesday, March 21, 2007

General H. Guderian, Hitler's Chief of Staff, wrote, in Guderian: Panzer General that in February 1943: "Hitler's left hand trembled, his back was bent, and his gaze was fixed.“

Albert Speer, Hitler's architect and armaments minister wrote in Inside the Third Reich: "In 1944 Hitler was shriveling up like an old man. His limbs trembled, he walked stooped with dragging footsteps.....His uniform, which in the-past he had kept scrupulously neat was stained by the food he had eaten with a shaking hands."
General von Cholitz, the German Commanding General in Paris said, upon meeting Hitler in 1944: "Hitler had become an old man. His face was worn..... His shoulders sagged. He cupped his left hand in his right to hide the trembling of his left arm. But above all, it was his voice that shocked me. The hard raucous voice had faded to a weak whisper.“

G. Boldt, an intelligence officer on Hitler's staff, wrote in Hitler: The Last Ten Days, An Eyewitness Account, that in February 1945: "Hitler's left arm hung limply by his side, and his left hand trembled perceptibly.....He was not the vigorous, energetic Hitler the Germans knew, the Hitler that Goebbels, Minister for Propaganda, still depicted."
S. Knappe, an SS officer wrote in Soldat: Reflections of a German Soldier that on meeting Hitler in April 1945: "I was shocked by his appearance. He was stooped, and his left arm was bent, and shaking.....Both of his hands shook”

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