Monday, December 04, 2006

Job application personal/key statement #3.
Dealing effectively with pressure/challenge: Describe an example (not necessary clinical) of a time when you had to deal with pressure OR overcome a setback/challenge. What did you do and what was the outcome? (6)
I found moving from comforts of familiarity challenging. Adapting from climates described as “pressure cooker all-year round” to temperate Glasgow brought bouts of homesickness. That was compounded by financial strain that I was (quite honestly) unused to. The relative affluence back home was in stark contrast to Spartan lifestyle I adopt here. While securing a loan helped, a part-time job did an extra of broadening my horizons. Despite having school holidays dictated by festivals of Malaysia’s many ethnic groups, Glaswegian cultural diversity is still distinct from its Asian counterpart. Add that to unfamiliar medical system, hospital protocols and communication problems (we seem to speak a different “dialect” of English back in Malaysia), I felt like an alien mistakenly teleported from Mars. I finally found common-ground in the international language of sports. Through bonds of friendships and experience, I started to enjoy the discovery of life as here and of myself.

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